And here's the list of the jobs I want to have at some point before I die:
- Professor of English (or an equally subjective course): I just love the idea of pulling marks out of a big box labelled "Students are Stupid". Come on, you know that's what they do.
- Editor of a Cultural Studies Textbook: Who needs to know: how to punctuate things properly or avoid wordiness, that is, the use of too many words, when they are editting a book that is by no means intended to be understood? I do love a challenge.
- Politician: I've got liar written all over me, and I think it would be fun to hire someone just to carry the phonebooks to all of my speeches so I can see over the podium. Oh, and I want to pass one of those crazy laws. I think I'll make a law banning sex on the Sabbath or something. Wouldn't that be exciting?
- Professional Mattress Tester: This one has been my dream since grade 10 Careers. Get paid? To sleep? Wow. (Too bad about the insomnia...)
- Weinist Missionary to Mongolia: Just because it's random.
Any other ideas? I'm sure the list will just keep getting bigger. Let me know if I missed anything. I always miss things.
I particularly like the tone of anger and hostility that pervades your rants, loosely veiled in sarcasm. Funny stuff. Keep up the good rants!
Erin, I cannot say I like your hostility or anger---because I have not read your blog...oh wait...yes I have!...let me try to recall your, your, as a blog-user....hmmmmmmmm AHHHHHHH u are speaking to me right now and I cannot compose my ideas--so I'm just going to say..."dance of the sugar plum fairies"...oh by the way---your roomie is HAWT!
New post for you. All the answers you were looking for.
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