A heart felt tribute to random road trips.So Shane and Hillary got to talking, and then next thing I knew we were picking her up at the Burlington bus station. I wasn't even allowed to pick up clean clothes while we were there...too much controversy. But we had an exciting night, let me tell you...

From left to right: Kalvin, Hillary and Jason in Kalvin's kitchen. Pre-hot tub. Post- getting the sunfire stuck in the snow in the parking lot of my building. Thank goodness I drive stick so well. Thank goodness that meant I didn't have to get out and push. Don't they look so happy to be together? Wouldn't you also be happy if you were invited to be there? I love the look on Kalvin's face...I bet he's saying something hilarious. Meanwhile all Hillary and Jason can think about is how the picture will turn out.

Kalvin's dog, Luke. I didn't know his name before. Now you know and so do I. Isn't learning fun? He was a little bundle of crazy. He didn't like me very much, but I really wanted him to. Somehow we managed to miss taking a picture of the other dog, Molly. Hillary loved Molly more because she was less jumpy and crazy. I liked the crazy. Speaking of crazy, I really wish we got a picture of Kalvin's dad in the Santa hat. He's the most religious drunk man I've ever met in my whole life.

In case you weren't sure before, here's proof that Wein really is #1. Hill put on the foam finger and was thus officially converted. She was a close follower for some time, but donning the finger is like confirmation. She was drunk enough that I think we can safely say she's in it for all the right reasons. Hill's drink of choice for those of you who were wondering (and I think that's probably every body) is Fireball and Dr. Pepper. Apparently Shane failed to make it taste like liquid cinnamon hearts the way it was supposed to. He liquored her up pretty fast though. (Hooray for public hangovers, Hill. I love that I was not alone in that one, even if yours was later in the day.)

Kalvin, AKA Hugh Sternberger...because the robe makes him like Hugh Heffner, and my stupidity makes his last name Sternberger. Also because he found out that there are people in the world who actually call me Wein and wanted to be one of them. I'm sure he's thinking the deepest of thoughts while he drinks the weirdest of concoctions: watermelon vodka with coke and sprite. He made one for me too. I drank it so that I wouldn't hurt his feelings. And then I puked. Watermelon flavored stuff is now officially on the "things that make me puke" and the "these things are as evil as the devil" lists. I would have put it there sooner (ie last May 24 when I didn't drink much at all but still managed to get kicked out of Bikini Bobs and throw up most of the next morning...) but I thought I was just being a baby.

Because my favorite pasttime is drinking and wearing foam. If you ever needed more proof that my photogenes are seriously mutated, it's right there in front of you. You gotta love the glasses though. If nothing else...just love the glasses. The "lenses" are made out of cellophane, which really messes with one's vision. Rum can have that effect too. I'm sorry to say that the rum actually had very little to do with my wardrobe choices in this case.
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