Jean told me, nay, promised me...that if I just discussed the matter with Dennis, then I'd be allowed to make a decision and she would accept it no matter what. Jean thought she was clever. Jean thought she was buying time because I told Jean that Dennis was in Vancouver for an indeterminate amount of time. Dennis came home the next day and told me at the bar that I could quit if I wanted. He said, "If you don't think that you'll need an honours degree, and you really don't want to go back to school, and if you are still going to work at Ford this summer and make more money than you'll know how to spend, then yes, you can quit school." The only condition is that I must not become a baby cannon.
And that, apparently, is the sticking point. Dennis is a renegger. He found out about the "you have to talk to Dennis first" deal and has decided that he no longer thinks it is okay for me to quit school with a three year BA. He says now, (and this is a real, uncensored quote, complete with MSN name):
Jobe - How does someone so ratty ape it so hard? says:
i never really argreed. I think you should still do honors just to keep from becoming a baby cannon
He claims that I am not tough enough to protect my uterus. I simply do not agree. Which brings me to my newest list:
- I act out of spite so often that my judgement is clouded by my desire to counter them.
- Other people get to reneg, but I am often left arguing the same side for no reason other than that I want them to agree that I am right.
- Opinions are in many vocabularies synonomous with taste. So when I say, "I like chocolate cake" I'm told that I'm stupid because my opinion on cake is not the same as someone else's opinion on cake. In matters of taste, agreement is not essential to getting along, being happy, or otherwise avoiding throwing sharp objects at each other--but people still fight me on it: Their opinion that opinion is the same as taste is wrong.
- I hate other people.
- There aren't a lot of ways to argue with a dumb opinion in a mature way. My dad says, "Your brother was sad so I bought him a laptop." And I say, "Well, then perhaps you should give me some money because I'm going to be short on rent this month." And dear father says, "How in the world can I possibly do that? I just bought your brother a fricking laptop!" Tell me how to fight that. Please.
- Opinions get written into constitutions. Tune in next week for why I hate constitutions.
- My mother's opinion is that I'm always right. Clearly, opinions mean nothing and have no effect even when they are completely correct.
- It is my opinion that I have a 26er of rum and a lot of coke that needs to be "taken care of as quickly as possible". It is the world's opinion that if I drink the rum then I'm an alcoholic and I will fail my exam. There is no room for compromise. What the hell. Just one glass?
- I hate it when other people are right.
- My own words get used against me and adopted as if the said individual coined the phrase alone. Baby cannon. I got that from Toole, why are you trying to steal it from him?
- More than one opinion can be right at any given time. Therefore, opinions generate even more chaos.
- There is too much chaos to begin with; we don't need opinions sticking their noses in, getting everything even more mucked up.
- I have a hard time figuring out just what my opinion is.
- When I find out what my opinion is I rarely agree with it.
- My dad's opinion. Generally, he knows that I don't like to agree with him. But, it is so much more important to him that I recognize that he is right, that he no longer even attempts to keep his opinion hidden. He flails it out in the open, gives it its own parade even, and then gets hurt when I stomp up the stairs and move to London instead of Ottawa.
- Opinions lead to dumb t-shirts that say things like, "When I want your opinion I'll give it to you."
- When people see those dumb t-shirts they point to them and say, "Look! That t-shirt is perfect for you!" And all I really want is a t-shirt that states, "I'm full of paranoia..and hatred."
- Opinions never lead to action. I have yet to hear anyone exclaim, "You're right, Erin! You do need a t-shirt that states that you are full of paranoia and hatred" and actually gone ahead and made one for me.
- Other people's opinions start wars. That is number 19 for why I hate constitutions too.
- "That is just my opinion, so you better deal with it." Alternatively, agreeing to disagree. Oh, I hate that so much.
Most of all, I really really hate it when I agree with other people's opinions. Damn you for thinking the way I do. Damn you for speaking to my rational side when all I really want is to be a little unreasonable and make ludicrous suggestions that come to nought but begin with, "So, I am quitting school forever."
Just be glad I haven't tried to quit life. You are all really bad at talking me out of things. In fact, if it was your job to talk me out of things I totally would have fired you for disagreeing with me like 2 years ago. I don't know what you disagreed with me about 2 years ago, but I bet it led me to believe I should do the opposite. And I bet the opposite was really dumb.
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